How much charcoal to use

How much charcoal to use?

A very simplistic way to discuss how much charcoal to add is based on how much you fill the charcoal chimney. You can imagine that filling the chimney 25% full will yield less heat than a chimney that is filled up 100%. To expand on this, here is my general rule of thumb for cooking various items at various heats using Kingsford charcoal:
  • For a low heat (think tender white fish, or for using the coals to light a smoker) – fill the chimney 25% full
  • For a medium heat (burgers, brats etc.) – fill the chimney 50% full
  • For a medium high heat, or for a full grill of medium heat (think of more spread out charcoal in the grill) fill the chimney 75% full
  • For a high heat (grilling and searing steaks) – fill the chimney 100% full
Now clearly there are a lot of factors going on here. How you spread out the coals plays a major factor in the heat your grill experiences. If you dump a 50% full medium heat charcoal chimney in one spot and don’t spread it out, you will have one isolated area of high heat right over where you dumped the coals. If you spread this 50% full chimney out over the whole grill area your heat will drop because the coals are more spread out. Make sense? So for my purposes, I mostly always use the following two zone grilling set up. I dump the lit chimney (see photo above) on the right side of the grill, and when the coals are ashed over I spread them out on the right side of the grill, leaving the left side of the grill with no coals (for indirect cooking). See the photos below. Roughly speaking, the above percentages will work out well for you if you follow this rule. The cooking temperatures are assessed once the coals are spread out and have mostly ashed over.



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