Weber Smokey Mountain Ribs

Weber Smokey Mountain Ribs

Pork ribs are not hard to master and getting them cooked perfectly is something that anyone can do. They happen to be my absolute favorite thing to cook on the Weber Smokey Mountain Smoker. Over the past few years I have learned a few tips and tricks that have helped me to turn out great smoked ribs almost every time that I would like to share.

Cooking time: 4 to 5 hours (At 275 degrees)

Pork ribs (Spare Ribs or Baby Backs)
All-Purpose Rub
Apple Cider Vinegar

Mopping Sauce
1/2 cup Dijon Mustard
1/2 cup Honey
1/2 cup Sriracha


The Prep
In a small bowl mix the rub ingredients.
In another small bowl mix the mopping sauce ingredients together thoroughly.
Wash the ribs and blot dry. Remove the thin papery skin on the back of each rack of ribs. (Pull it off in a sheet with your fingers, using a paper towel to gain a secure grip.)
Season the ribs evenly with the rub. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

The Cook
Set up your smoker to cook using the Minion Method. I use 20 lit coals dumped on top of a full ring of unlit charcoal with about 4 or 5 Hickory wood chunks. Follow this link if you need help setting up your Weber Smokey Mountain to cook ribs: How to light a Weber Smokey Mountain BBQ Smoker to Smoke Ribs.
When the temperature is temp is between 225 to 300 degrees place the ribs on the smoker meat side up. I always target my ribs to smoke at about 275°F. If they sound like they are sizzling or it is cooking too hot, I back off on the heat a little bit.
Check the ribs after 2 hours for Baby Backs and 3 hours for Spare Ribs. They should have a golden mahogany color. Spritz with Apple Cider Vinegar then apply your mopping sauce. Spritz again after you put the mopping sauce on. Put the lid back on the smoker.
After about 15 minutes it is time to wrap the ribs in foil. Spray the foil with Apple Cider Vinegar then coat it with the mopping sauce. Place the ribs meat side down on the foil. Spray the back of the ribs with Apple Cider Vinegar and coat with the mopping sauce. Wrap the ribs up real tight and put back on the smoker.
After about 2 hours, check the ribs with a tooth pick. The ribs will feel loose and the tooth pick should slide in with little or no resistance when done. Generally, the ribs are done when the meat is very tender and it has shrunk back from the ends of the bones.
Let rest for about 20 to 30 minutes.


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